Fewer Nurses Enrolling in Baccalaureate Programs
Med-Challenger for Nurse Practitioner Programs allows for flexible learning options, both assignment driven and self-study. We offer courses dedicated to Nurse Practitioners in Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Adult-Gerontology, and Pediatrics, plus tons of supplemental add-ons.
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The Oklahoma bill, unlike what many states are considering or have put in practice, would expand to certain types of prescribing for nurse midwives and clinical nurse specialists. Opposition was primarily over creating a “two-tier” system, while proponents argued for expanded rural care benefits. The bill did not cover opioids or ADHD drug prescriptions. Gov. Stitt Vetoes Bill that Would Allow Nurse Practitioners to Prescribe Medications |
Well, when the robots start giving enemas, the patients are going to run screaming from the hospital…
Despite the lurid headline, what NVIDIA and Hippocratic AI are actually building has nothing to do with replacing nurses, nor performing nursing functions. What they are looking to build is in two parts, one is a patient monitoring system that can keep up with and understand incoming lab results or complaints, to assist with patient risk assessment and management in real time. The other part is building AI conversational agents to interact with patients on demand and in real-time with patients and caregivers in the hospital. That’s also the part that is likely to be introduced first, though there’s a lot of specialization and database work to be done yet.
NVIDIA to Create AI ‘agents’ that Outperform Human Nurses
This is the fourth year that RN-to-BSN enrollment has declined. The underlying reason isn’t demand related - employers prefer advanced degrees, and the pay reflects that. It’s a combination of education staffing problem and cost. Shortages in full-time faculty, part-time faculty, clinical placements and clinical supervision are heavily impacting acceptance rates - money, in short.
Fewer People are Enrolling in RN-to-BSN Programs