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At this point, 70,000 physicians are union members - almost nobody realizes that physician unionization is moving that fast. From 2% to 8% of the workforce in the last 10 years. There’s a lot of factors driving it, or underlying the problems that are causing physicians to seek unionization. But whatever the drivers, the increasingly transactional environments are taking a toll.
Allina Health doctors unionize over health system’s objections
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Interesting, because the first large-scale test of visual AI in medicine was probably IBM Watson Health, which made an image-based identifier for basal cell carcinoma back in the early 2000’s. What stood out was the difference in number of images required to train a human, versus Watson - 50 images for a human, 650,000 to get Watson to a human equivalent. Current convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have decreased that gap tremendously. This runs on spectroscopy rather than just an image, but we’re going to have a ton of ‘brain in a device’ diagnostic tools this decade.
“…quantitative, point-of-care testing for all types of skin cancer…”
What attempts to implement AI and other innovations in the healthcare industry have shown us is that the data they all depend on is in terrible shape. And that bad data = bad AI. This article is three predictions, none of them happy, about the state of 2024. Not just in efforts to make cleaner data, but in corporate healthcare and clinical shortages.