Challenger Medical Education Blog

July 23, 2024 Nursing Newsletter

Written by Challenger Corporation | Jul 23, 2024 9:16:59 PM

  • Philanthropists and Nursing School Neglect
  • Earn a Free Course
  • Nurse Self-Scheduling Makes a Comeback
  • Nursing Home Staffing Rules Fall Short


Philanthropists Need to Step Up to Support Nursing Schools, Too

The crossroads in nursing that the article discusses are similar to, but in some ways different from, the patchwork system that funds physician residency and school program costs. In nursing, however, the growth of for-profit or non-public schools and the disparity in costs between public and private systems are much more extreme. None of this has been helped by a 20% increase in costs over the last four years.

Another problem that nursing faces is the fungibility of many nursing support programs at public universities. Like Physician Assistant programs, nursing programs are often cash cows supporting other expenses at public institutions or can become one if funding increases are not well managed. If we want more and better nurses, as the complexity and wage pressures on the job continue to rise, we will need more funding and better faculty pay. <Steps off soapbox>

Philanthropists Need to Step Up to Support Nursing Schools, Too

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Nurse Self-Scheduling Makes a Comeback

The article suggests some reasons why self-scheduling for nursing, popular at the end of the last century, began disappearing in the last 15 or so years. Left out is the impact of the ACA and the larger and larger health systems that it spawned. But with healthcare staffing at a premium across most clinical areas, it’s starting to make a comeback. Electronic scheduling systems and communications make it easier to implement and the participants happier.

Nurse Self-Scheduling Makes a Comeback - Beckers Hospital Review

Patient Advocates Say New Nursing Home Staffing Rules Fall Short

The skilled nursing and rehab industry makes up close to 7% of nursing jobs in the United States. Recent final publications from the CMMS on minimum staffing requirements have major changes to increase staffing levels (without changes in reimbursement, mind you) in the works, increasing the need for nurses in skilled nursing, rehab, and assisted living facilities. This article is primarily aimed as a briefing for journalists covering the changes but contains a lot of good information. Anything that gets the AFL-CIO and the nursing home owners to line up together against patient advocacy associations is going to be pretty wild.

Patient Advocates Say New Nursing Home Staffing Rules Fall Short - Association of Health Care Journalists