Challenger Medical Education Blog

May 23, 2024 Customer Newsletter

Written by Challenger Corporation | May 23, 2024 3:52:56 PM

  • The Health Costs of Cost-Sharing
  • Upcoming ABIM Certification Exam - Get Ready!
  • Walmart Shutting Down Health Centers and Telehealth Service
  • In-Home Care Versus More Hospital Visits

The Health Costs of Cost-Sharing

A paper examining the economic price of cost-sharing with patients. The paper shows that normal economic reactions to cost-sharing don’t conform to economic models, and that high-risk patients are the ones most likely to stop taking a drug with a high value. They’ve even got a number for the price of cost-sharing - $11,321 per life year.

The Health Costs of Cost-Sharing


Upcoming ABIM Certification Exam

The ABIM Certification Exam will be administered in August, will you be ready? Med-Challenger's Internal Medicine Exam Review follows the ABIM blueprint, now contains didactic content for every topic, and provides AMA Category 1 credits as well as ABIM MOC Points. All for as little as $35!

The ABIM Board Exam: A Comprehensive Guide

Internal Medicine Exam Review with CME & MOC

Walmart Shutting Down Health Centers and Telehealth Service

There’s already a thousand articles analyzing Walmart’s abrupt exit from primary care (or it’s kind of urgent care / primary care / telehealth combination). The part most articles seems to miss is that healthcare cannot be parted up into market segments and tackled, the way that Walmart, Amazon, or many other players have tried. Healthcare operates as a whole system, so you can’t just pick the lucrative prescribing away from the system, or pull specific patient sets. That’s why niche-driven approaches to competition aren’t going to achieve what they might in some other consumer sales area.

Walmart Shutting Down Health Centers and Telehealth Service

House Calls Following Emergency Room Visits

A look at UC Davis’ partnership with in-home medical care provider services to handle post-discharge for routine follow-up care. Certainly a better solution for the older population, where mobility or transport is impaired.

‘The Next Frontier of Emergency Medicine’: House Calls Following Emergency Room