Challenger Medical Education Blog

Nurse Practitioner Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide to Pay Variations by State and Specialty

Written by Challenger Corporation | Jul 8, 2024 7:47:06 PM

NP Pay Differences by State and Practice Area

Average NP salaries in the United States vary significantly by geographic area and practice specialty. Generally, salaries for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in the U.S. range from $106,000 (10th percentile) to $144,000 (90th percentile), with a median annual salary of $124,000. These figures exclude benefits and productivity bonuses. The rising NP salaries reflect the cost-effective care, experience, and responsibilities NPs bring to their practices, translating into increased financial income.

Geographic Salary Variations

NP salaries differ greatly across the country, with western and northeastern states leading in compensation. California tops the list, where NPs earn an average of $151,830 annually, which is over $56,000 more than in Tennessee, the lowest-paying state. Urban centers generally offer higher pay compared to rural areas, with northern California hosting the top five metropolitan areas for NPs.

Cost of living significantly influences compensation. Areas with high living costs and increased NP demand due to nurse retirements and a growing elderly population offer lucrative opportunities. In states with high living costs and high NP demand, salaries often exceed six figures.

Southern states with lower living expenses, such as Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina, offer lower annual salaries, ranging from $95,000 to $103,000. The presence of strong nursing unions in western and northeastern states also contributes to higher earnings, as these unions have successfully negotiated for better compensation and benefits.

Practice Authority and Compensation

Most states grant NPs full practice authority, which correlates with higher compensation levels. Conversely, states with restricted or reduced practice authority, including Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, and West Virginia, tend to offer lower salaries. States like California, which have implemented nurse-to-patient ratio laws to improve patient safety and care quality, also offer higher NP salaries.

Overall, NP compensation has grown in nearly every region, with notable increases in Iowa and South Dakota. However, states with large rural populations, such as Idaho, Tennessee, Wyoming, Missouri, and Utah, have reported the largest salary decreases.

Factors Influencing Salary Increases

Several factors contribute to the increasing demand and salaries for NPs, including the nursing shortage, rising demand for healthcare services from an aging population, and a high rate of nurse retirements. As more states experience physician shortages and aim to reduce healthcare costs, they grant broader practice authority to NPs, enhancing their value to employers.

If you’re looking for more information on nurse practitioner salaries in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, the following table is a helpful resource from that includes adjustments for cost of living.

Complete List of States by Nurse Practitioner Salary 2024

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted NP employment and salary levels in some areas. According to a 2020 Medscape nursing compensation survey, 20% of advanced practice nurses, including NPs, worked fewer hours during the pandemic. The decline in inpatient treatment for non-emergency conditions and ambulatory visits for routine issues resulted in reduced hours, furloughs, and layoffs for some NPs.

Specialty-Specific Salaries

The median annual income for all nurse practitioners is $121,610, per the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. However, different NP specialties can significantly impact salary potential. Here are some popular specialties and their average earnings based on information from

  • Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: $157,580
  • Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: $138,081
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: $134,571
  • Emergency Nurse Practitioner: $134,121
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: $130,987
  • Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner: $130,295
  • Family Nurse Practitioner: $127,976
  • Oncology Nurse Practitioner: $125,701
  • Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner: $107,530
  • Women's Health Nurse Practitioner: $101,569
  • Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner: $100,035

Specializing as a nurse practitioner opens up more career and compensation opportunities. While each specialty has its pay scale, many are in-demand areas of healthcare that can command lucrative salaries. The specific salary for a specialized NP depends on various factors, but the information above provides a broad overview of expectations.

If you're considering a career as a nurse practitioner, understanding the various specialties and their associated salaries can help guide your decision. In addition, Med-Challenger offers comprehensive courses designed to prepare you for various nurse practitioner specialties. With Med-Challenger, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel as a nurse practitioner. Their courses are tailored to help you meet the specific requirements of each specialty, ensuring you are well-prepared for certification exams and practice. Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in healthcare, and their demand continues to rise, making it a promising and rewarding career path.