A 32-year-old woman with diabetes presents with a 3 days history of erythema, warmth, edema and pain of her right forearm. Examination shows that she is afebrile with normal vital signs and has a slightly edematous area of erythema with indistinct borders on her medial forearm, extending to the posterior side of the upper arm, but not to the hand, and with no areas of fluctuance or induration. She has full active and passive range of motion, and normal sensation and pulses. She denies any insect bites.
How should she be managed?
- One time dose of IM penicillin followed by an outpatient course with amoxicillin
- Outpatient management with cephalexin or clindamycin and close follow-up
- Outpatient management with a 14 day course of erythromycin, then re-evaluation
- Inpatient admission, IV antibiotic therapy with ciprofloxacin
This question appears in Med-Challenger Emergency Nurse Practitioner Exam Review with CME
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