An 89-year-old man presents to you complaining of blood in his stool intermittently over the past 6 months. He reports an unintentional 20-kg weight loss during that time. He has not been to the doctor in more than 20 years and is taking no medications.
Vital signs are: temperature 37.1 °C, blood pressure 122/72 mm Hg, pulse 77 beats/minute, and respiratory rate 15 breaths/minute. He appears cachectic.
His complete blood count shows a white blood cell count of 11,000/mm3, his hemoglobin level is 11 mg/dL, and his platelet count is 133,000/mm3.
Prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) are normal. D-dimer is elevated.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
This question appears in Med-Challenger Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Review with CME
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