Challenger Medical Education Blog

Most Missed Question This Week in OB/GYN

Written by Med-Challenger | Feb 19, 2025 5:43:24 PM

The ever exciting world of fibroids is making for a missed question this week. 😛

This one has no stupid exam tricks, it is a question of whether the test-taker integrates the findings (which suggest 3 as the correct answer) with the symptomatology (which suggest 1) to come up with a diagnosis. The question tests knowledge of fibroids, presentation, and symptoms.

The correct answer is 1.

The learning objectives of question are designed to test against three pitfalls:

  1. Focusing on the uniform enlargement and ignoring clinical symptoms.
  2. Assuming that submucosal fibroids must always appear with a “knobby” uterine contour.
  3. Prioritizing clinical symptoms - which in this case present red flags for uterine cavity distortion.

Know both your pathophysiology for each type of fibroid, and why they present with their specific symptoms!


This question appears in Med-Challenger OBGYN Exam Review with CME

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