A 38-year-old nulliparous woman presents with her husband to discuss in vitro fertilization (IVF). The couple has tried to become pregnant for more than 12 months and wishes to proceed with IVF rather than trying other infertility treatments due to the woman’s age.
At a minimum, what testing should be completed as part of the couple's evaluation prior to starting IVF?
- Pap smear and pelvic examination, semen analysis, and HIV testing
- uterine cavity evaluation, thyroid hormones and prolactin levels on the woman, and testosterone level on the man
- ovarian reserve testing, screening for sexually transmitted infections, and urine culture
- genetic testing (if indicated), ovarian reserve testing, uterine cavity evaluation, and semen analysis
- semen analysis, endometrial biopsy, and screening both partners for sexually transmitted infections
This question appears in Med-Challenger OBGYN Exam Review with CME
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