April 10, 2024 Residency Newsletter
- Upheaval in Residency Training
- ABFM In-Training Exam (ITE) - Be Ready!
- A Study in Residency Attrition Rates
- The Hierarchy in Graduate Medical Education
NEJM’s Podcast NOS 2.1 Covers Upheaval in Residency Training
Lisa Rosenbaum, interviewing residents, educators, and others about what happened to residency training in the pandemic, and what’s happened since. Changes to the workplace environments, the billing and patient care systems, and loss of control.
The Quiet Revolution in Medical Training (text and audio)
ABFM In-Training Exam (ITE)
The ABFM In-Training Exam will be administered in October. Will your residents be ready? Med-Challenger offers family medicine content that follows the ABFM blueprint designed with raising ITE and board exam scores in mind. Includes the ability to make and monitor assignments, performance reports, easy to build custom exams, and more!
Resident ITE Scores: A Practical Overview
Developing a Model Describing Voluntary Residency Attrition
This is a study out of the Netherlands on the attrition rate in orthopaedic surgery residents. Pretty thick, but with an interesting set of quotes and examinations of the factors that interact to convince a resident that they should quit. The numbers are small - two year study, Netherlands - but have some gems like a 27% attrition rate in female residents, as opposed to 7% in male residents. Worth reading.
Developing a Model Describing Voluntary Residency Attrition
Confronting the Damaging Hierarchy in Graduate Medical Education
This is a letter to the editor format to Kevinmd.com. We noted at Challenger when working with AHECs that the residency pass rate in FM was very heavily weighted towards the larger urban residencies, with pass rates below 50% (and in some cases 25%) in smaller rural residencies. In this environment, with more pressure than ever on residencies, and less money for resources, we’re doubtful about external help coming.
Confronting the Damaging Hierarchy in Graduate Medical Education - Kevinmd.com