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    Unlock Success with Med-Challenger Family Medicine: A Complete Solution

    Med-Challenger Family Medicine Board Review course is so much more than its name. It's a comprehensive solution for family medicine professionals preparing for their ABFM (American Board of Family Medicine) initial certification exam and FMCLA, as well as fulfilling CME requirements.  

    Key Features

    1. Comprehensive Content
      • Over 3000 family medicine board style review questions and cases.
      • Authored by experienced family medicine physicians and physician educators.
      • Regularly updated content in line with the latest medical knowledge and exam trends.
      • Follows the ABFM blueprint.
    1. Adaptive and Prescriptive Learning
      • Tailored content to meet individual learning needs.
      • Focuses on weak areas for more efficient and effective use of study time.
    1. CME and MOC Requirements
      • Over 150 AMA PRA & AAFP Category I CME credits available.
      • Easy tracking, claiming, and saving of earned credits and certificates.
    1. Multiple Exam Types
      • Exam Simulators to simulate the ABFM exam taking experience.
      • Pre-built topical exams for comprehensive learning.
      • Custom exam feature - build your own to fit your educational needs.

      5. Other Features

      • Optimized for use on mobile devices for learning on the go.
      • Colorful detailed images to aid in concept understanding and retention.
      • Interactive dashboard to easily access all learning materials and track progress. 
      • Detailed explanations and remediation provide comprehensive understanding of material and reinforce knowledge. 



    • 100% Boards Pass Guarantee - no risk.
    • Convenience - meet all of your needs in one place - exam prep, CME, and MOC
    • Free trial available - try before you buy
    • Flexible subscription options to fit any need or budget
    • Ongoing live US-based support & FAQs

    For ABFM exam prep tips, see How to Prepare for Family Medicine Boards - 8 Tips to Pass ABFM Exam and What is the Best Family Medicine Question Bank? Also find out What Family Medicine Physicians Say About Med-Challenger.


    Try or Buy Now

    Is it family medicine group or program education that you seek? Med-Challenger for Residency Programs can help with that too!