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August 20, 2024 Nursing Newsletter

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  • Solving Retention Issues
  • Leading the Way in Simulation Education
  • New Law Shields Nurses and Promotes Error Reporting
  • NPs Ace the ENP Certification Exams using Med-Challenger

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Nursing Apprenticeships Solve Retention Issues for Hospitals

Retention stats from a 62-hospital system using an RN Resident Apprenticeship program across 19 states, with 592 residents, show they’re adding Specialty Fellowships. Many hospitals and larger systems are offering apprenticeships directly out of nursing school. There has been some decline in apprentice-level pay and a push for lengthier durations in some regional areas, while in others, they’ve expanded benefits, including tuition reimbursement and loan assistance. This seems to be heavily related to local staffing levels and supply. A 93% retention rate is impressive—their press release deserves the plaudits.

Nursing Apprenticeships Solve Retention Issues for Hospitals

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Leading the Way in Simulation Education

Simulation training is a cost-effective method of pre-training clinicians in handling procedures and events. This article describes some of the basics of the implementation at Omaha’s Creighton University, where they are developing the second version of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (CCEI).

 Leading the Way in Simulation Education

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New Kentucky Law Shields Nurses, Promotes Medical Error Reporting

In what is seen as a direct response to Tennessee’s criminal prosecution of RaDonda Vaught, Kentucky is the first state to decriminalize unintentional medical errors.  This shields healthcare providers from criminal prosecution, not civil malpractice cases. The goal is to improve patient safety by encouraging the reporting of errors.

New Law Shields Nurses, Promotes Medical Error Reporting - Becker’s Hospital Review

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NPs Ace the ENP Certification Exams with Our ENP Review Course

Don’t Delay Sign up for ENP Review course

✅ Boost Scores: Prepare for certification with accredited, blueprint-based content.

✅ Track Performance: Monitor and manage progress, on-site or remote.

✅ Increase Pass Rates: Proven strategies to raise board pass rates.

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