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August 15, 2024 Customer Newsletter


  • Working with Difficult Patients

  • PEMQBook Live Course Registration Now Open!

  • Urgent Care Replacing Primary Care?

  • Healthcare’s AI Experience Guides Other Industries

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Emergency Physician to Host Webinar on Working with 'Difficult' Patients

We have absolutely no association with the event or the doctor, but the book has received good reviews. Any discussion about the changing nature of patients coming into the ED is of interest across all clinical areas. It's not just the troubled patients showing up—due to changes in primary care, more and more elderly individuals and their caregivers are being shuffled off to the ER. So, this is not an endorsement, but rather a bulletin about the one-hour conference from the AOA. 

Emergency Physician to Host Webinar on Working with 'difficult' Patients

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Pediatric emergency medicine


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Is Urgent Care Replacing Primary Care Physicians?

This article may take the wrong approach. With primary care in short supply and increasingly routing almost everything non-routine to an ER somewhere, Urgent Care has become a viable alternative. While it's not an ideal replacement for primary care, the alternatives are increasingly Urgent Care or the ER. If the AAFP wants to address the significant rise in patients without a primary care provider, they should focus on improving systems, admissions, and most importantly, reimbursement in primary care.

Is Urgent Care Replacing Primary Care Physicians?

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Health Care’s AI Experience Draws Roadmap for Other Industries

Healthcare has been utilizing various forms of artificial intelligence for years, including in equipment, ultrasounds, image and pattern identification, as well as research and science. The lessons learned from the real-world implementation of AI in healthcare could serve as valuable guidance for all industries as new types of AI are developed.

Health Care’s AI Experience Draws Roadmap for Other Industries