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January 25, 2024 Customer Newsletter


  • FM KSA Subscription available
  • Will AI Successfully Deliver on its Promises in Healthcare?
  • Joint Commission Certification 
  • Foreign Trained Physicians Skipping Residency to Practice?
  • Emergency Medicine News

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FM KSA Now Available on Med-Challenger FUSE

All thirteen ABFM topic modules with quizzes, illustrations, and NEW didactic content. Includes AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits.

Med-Challenger Family Medicine: KSA All Modules Subscription

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Will AI Deliver on Its Promise in Health Care?

A study on generative AI implementation in health care delivery, which describes the process problem in healthcare - the productivity paradox.  The comparison to rapid EHR adoption is a bad one - EHRs are mandated payment systems, not a productivity tool.  The basis for success of AI implementation across healthcare areas is going to be whether it makes people (practitioners, patients) able to function as humans better, or worse.  A good framework article and study.

Health Informatics | JAMA | JAMA Network

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Joint Commission products on Med-Challenger FUSE

Get CME and certification with subscription options to fit any need or budget, only $12/month, $139/year, $419/life

ALS & Resuscitation CME - 9 credit hours

Cardiac Center CME - 8 credit hours

Stroke Center CME - 8 credit hours 

Trauma Center CME - 40 credit hours 

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Some Foreign-Trained Physicians Could Skip Residency to Practice Medicine in Florida

Florida is now the third state to come up with a path for licensure for foreign-trained, practicing physicians. There’s two plans being looked at. One similar to Tennessee - practice two years under supervision, the other waives the residency requirement but has a healthcare provider employment requirement. The biggest opponent so far seems to be foreign medical schools.

Florida Phoenix

Untitled (22) Antimicrobial Stewardship in the ED is More Critical Than Ever

The study goes back to 2020 and 2021, examining the change in admissions protocols to run everything through the ED. A byproduct of that is that 75% of admissions continue to run through the ED.

  • A 78 percent increase in carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter
  • A 32 percent increase in multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • A 14 percent increase in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
  • A 13 percent increase in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Emergency Medicine News