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July 4, 2024 Customer Newsletter

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  • Treating IDIOT Syndrome
  • Celebrate with Savings
  • Telehealth Success Story
  • Impact of Private Equity Ownership of Hospitals

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Treating IDIOT Syndrome

They came up with a good acronym, perhaps stretching it a bit too far. *Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment” aka IDIOT. The implications for AI, trained primarily on what people said on the internet, ought to amp up the number of patients diagnosing via Google. Though to the credit of the AI’s, they generally carefully steer away from medical practice.

The references in the article cover a good swath of the global population. It doesn’t provide an answer for the problems that lie between the boundaries of common sense, current clinical practice, and advocacy.

Digital Healthcare and Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment (IDIOT) Syndrome: Understanding the Link Between Clicks and Consequences

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4th july Day

BUY NOW & SAVE 15% on Med-Challenger

Save 15% on CME, MOCs, Board Exams prep, and more now through July 7th! Use promo code FREEDOM15 at checkout.

Save on EM, FM, IM, PEDS, OBGYN, NP, PA, State Requirements, and more!


FQHC’s Successful Implementation of Telehealth

One of the success stories of telehealth has been deployment in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC). Community-based FQHCs commit to serve regardless of ability to pay or insurance, and in turn receive grants from HRSA designed to keep them operating. They are also funded by sliding fee scales, insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and often some state funding. Dealing with minor acute and chronic medical issues, they’ve deployed telehealth as follow-up, to alleviate patient travel, and to do care planning. Grants help, but perhaps it’s also the focus of using telemedicine as a practice extender rather trying to corner the market on some particularly lucrative prescriptions.

A Different Era for Telehealth - San Diego Business Journal


Senators Worry Private Equity Will Cripple U.S. Emergency Response

Great article, but the article title doesn’t really capture the full impact and interest being raised about private equity ownership of hospitals and practice groups. The AAEM has outdone itself on this one. What started as an inquiry into emergency medicine and addiction treatment has expanded to include general concerns about private equity, corporate practice of medicine, and general preparedness of emergency departments. Both the Senate Banking Committee, and the Committee on Homeland Security are involved now.

**Senators Worry Private Equity Will Cripple U.S. Emergency Response - Emergency Medicine News**