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March 12, 2024 Nursing Newsletter


  • Salary Disparities in Nursing
  • Identify Outliers in Your Program and Remediate Knowledge Gaps
  • Nurse Licensure Compact
  • NP Report on Education and Need For Change


Salary Disparity Keeps Nurses Out of Education

The article throws around some questionable numbers. The national salary for RN’s depends heavily on who and what certifications you include in the averages. It’s not $120k. (Sorry, bad numbers bother us). But it is true that nurse educators make at least 20% less than their counterparts in practice. Across the board - RN, NP and MD and DO level classroom education is growing, and thus the demand for educators in private and public programs, but right now, that growing gap between practice and educator pay isn’t doing us any favors.

Salary Disparity Keeps Nurses Out of Education - Central Penn Business Journal


Identify Outliers and Remediate Knowledge Gaps

Med-Challenger for Nurse Practitioner Programs makes it easy to identify outliers in your program and remediate with our comprehensive reports.

Learn more about Med-Challenger for Nurse Practitioner Programs


APRN Licensure Compact

The AACN (as it should) is lobbying for nationwide licensure compacts for APRNs. While it’s couched as a practice hour problem, the scope of practice controversy is involved in making licensure compacts more difficult for APRNs. So it’s a political lobby article, but a well constructed one, and points to resources and places to get involved.

Compact Licensure for APRNs: The Chasm We Must Bridge - AACN


The NP Scope of Practice Debate (and all the other debates)

This is one of those reports you want to approach like it might explode in your face. Scope of practice is a fraught subject. Accelerated, online, and blended certification training are a fraught subject - in the NP world, RN world, and even touching physician education. Preceptorships, proctorships and compensation for nurse, physician assistant and physician training and just what constitutes ‘oversight’ are touchy. So with all due care, we’re dropping in a couple of articles.

As the production volume of clinicians and providers gets pumped up - we need more doctors, we need more NPs, we need more nurses, we need more PAs - what’s suffering is practical clinical experience.

Reports and articles have been coming across the desk in greater frequency lately about deficits in residency training and oversight, PA clinical rotation shortages, accelerated RN programs and lack of clinical hours, and NP clinical hours. The theme often being missed is that the production level of classroom training is going up in response to demand and government funding guarantees, but compensation for educators and for clinical environments to provide training is definitely not.

With all due trepidation, we’re going to be putting up some of the articles about clinical hours, education technology, and innovative solutions to extend and expand clinical training availability. Today it’s a paper by John Canion, NP about just that. He’s taken some hits for saying what he’s said.

2023 Report on NP Education and the Need for Change, John Canion, NP