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May 7, 2024 Nursing Newsletter


  • Manage & Monitor Cohorts, On-site or Remote
  • Education Sector in Constant State of Flux
  • Nursing Programs Turned Down Over 65,000 Applicants Last Year
  • ChatGPT and Pediatricians Inconsistent With Concern Over Warning Signs


Successfully Manage & Monitor Cohorts

Med-Challenger for Nurse Practitioner Programs allows you to easily and effectively manage and monitor your cohorts, whether on-site or remote, with comprehensive reports, assignments, and communications.

Learn more about Med-Challenger for Nurse Practitioner Programs

What Nurse Practitioners Say About Med-Challenger


Remember the Humans When Evaluating AI Education

The article discusses some of the big introductions of real, working commercial AI products into education - most of them aimed at adult continuing or professional education markets. It does touch on the point that Challenger keeps making over and over about the things AI can and cannot do in learning. AI doesn’t motivate, doesn’t challenge, and doesn’t inspire. It excels as an assessment tool and a topic research tool, but is does not engage students. That’s why the utilization rate for AI education products is highest in self-motivated and trained populations.

Education Sector in Constant State of Flux, Driven by AI


Why Nursing Schools Turned Down 65,766 Qualified Applications Last Year

Better numbers in the article, but the same problem we’ve been writing about in nursing education - lack of clinical placement, faculty, and preceptors. Not mentioned in this article is the shrinking applications for BSN to MSN programs. The good news is that BSN enrollments did set a record. We don’t know to what degree decreased funding or static funding is playing, but academic faculty lags well behind practice pay, most preceptorships (81%) do not compensate with money, and hospitals need to be paid to grow clinical placement oversight labor and availability.

Why Nursing Schools Turned Down 65,766 Qualified Applications Last Year - AJC


ChatGPT Found to Display Lower Concern for Child Development 'Warning Signs' Than Physicians

ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) are incredibly sophisticated search and summarization engines. There’s a lot of stuff they can do, including rudimentary physical diagnosis, and occasional flashes of insight when confronted with a bunch of confounding factors.

But they aren’t going to do subtle well. While it’s likely that LLMs will improve, they’re always going to be better at providing information about signs of developmental delays than making clear guidance. Too many other things go into the physician’s diagnosis. ChatGPT, in particular, is going to be reluctant to ever call anything abnormal.

The more post-processing instructions you give a ChatBot to make it ‘safer’, generally the worse it’s going to be at making clear statements.

ChatGPT Found to Display Lower Concern for Child Development 'Warning Signs' Than Physicians