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    October 16, 2024 Residency Newsletter

    res NL

    • Yale's Interview Process
    • Help Residents Succeed
    • NYU's 3-year MD 
    • ChatGPT: Undermining Authenticity?
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    How I Do It < Yale School of Medicine

    3,890 applicants for 66 slots. With signals. Yeesh.

    Mark Siegal, MD, goes through the selection criteria and methodology he uses to determine interviews and recruitment for Yale. It’s interesting how much clinical performance structure provided by the schools plays into final selection. And like every other residency, they’re looking for local connections that will keep the residents they invest in within the region.

    Well worth sending to anyone you know who will be doing residency applications soon.

    How I Do It < Yale School of Medicine - Mark Siegel, MD

    Untitled (40)residents newsletterUntitled (55)

    Our Three-Year MD Graduates Are More Than Ready for Residency— and Now the Numbers Prove It

    NYU’s three-year accelerated program, with residency interviews in the third year, is the subject of a study comparing 136 three-year graduates to 681 four-year graduates. Scores on pre-clerkship exams and other tests were either on par with or slightly ahead of the four-year graduates.

    Outcomes of Accelerated 3-Year MD Graduates at NYU Grossman School of Medicine During Medical School and Early Residency - Academic Medicine

    Our Three-Year MD Graduates Are More Than Ready for Residency—& Now the Numbers Prove It - NYU Langone

    Untitled (63)ChatGPT is 'Robbing Applicants of Their Voices' in Residency Applications

    At first, it was pretty easy to tell AI writing from human writing. Just like in image analysis—if it has six fingers, it’s AI. If it uses the word ‘delve’ eight times and concludes with "In conclusion…", it’s AI. But AI writing and styles are getting better. You can still tell most AI writing from human writing, though, because AI is focused. It constructs communication aimed at presenting a series of facts. There’s actually a place for that style of writing, but not when the goal is human-to-human communication. 

    Humans tell stories. We highlight seemingly tangential facts or ideas in our writing. We expose ourselves in what we write about and how. If you overuse AI to help you compose sentences and paragraphs, you risk taking yourself out of the story you're writing. As the article points out, the more AI-generated text there is, the less of you remains. That doesn’t mean you can’t use AI as a tool to make your presentation clean and your spelling correct. 

    Just never let AI overwrite the feelings and story.

    ChatGPT is 'Robbing Applicants of Their Voices' in Residency Applications - Health Imaging