Homeless Medicine
What is Immunotherapy?
Use Your CME Money
Med Ed Needs AI Playbook
Hard to Attract Peds Doctors
Nation's First Medical Residency Program to Offer a Certification in Homeless Medicine is in Southern Arizona
In most acute or primary care environments, you don’t really think about things like susceptibility to scurvy, or long-term chronic carbon monoxide exposure, as opposed to acute presentations. There’s also an update at the article link, explaining a little more about CO exposure, and how the partnership between the street clinic and the residency works.
Nation's First Medical Residency Program to Offer a Certification in Homeless Medicine is in Southern Arizona
What is Immunotherapy? Meet the Surgeon Behind Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy has exploded in the last decade, with several treatments for blood malignancies and solid tumors becoming standard-of-care. Immunotherapy shows promise in areas such as vaccines against prostate cancer (e.g., Sipuleucel-T) and personalized mRNA treatments for individual tumors. Dr. Steven Rosenberg, who pioneered immunotherapy in the 1980s, was the first to use IL-2 in cancer treatment.
What is Immunotherapy? Meet Surgeon Behind Cancer Treatment
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Guest article in MedPage by Dr. Naga Kanaparthy. Grappling with AI and AI tools in medical education is similar to the problems they are facing in general education. To a large degree, the initial reactions in medical education and general education have been the same. First it’s banned, then it’s talked about a lot. Unlike general education, the end goal of clinical education is to create a physician or other diagnostic professional that uses all their senses and their knowledge to treat complex diagnostic situations.
Medical Education Needs Its Own AI Playbook - MedPage Today
Why It Is So Hard to Attract New Doctors to Pediatrics
According to the Children’s Hospital Association, some pediatric specialties have 40% vacant rates in hospital positions. Bed shortages are a chronic issue. While the article takes a swing at conservative lawmakers, consider there’s also a structural issue with Medicaid versus Medicare, and state budgets versus federal budgets. Only a few states offer GME payments as part of their Medicaid programs.
Couple this “seniors vote, children don’t” and a lot of free standing pediatric hospitals are on life support. Pediatric compensation in general medicine is 25% under most other specialties, and while pediatric subspecialties earn more, their compensation is dwarfed by most internal medicine subspecialties.
Why It Is So Hard to Attract New Doctors to Pediatrics - STAT News
.png?upscale=true&upscale=true&width=1120&height=78&name=Untitled%20(40).png) QUIZ QUESTION
62-year-old woman presents after being treated at the scene for (PEA)
A 62-year-old woman presents after being treated at the scene for pulseless electrical activity (PEA) with epinephrine, which improved her blood pressure and increased her heart rate from 50 to 65 beats/minute. However, she remained apneic and was successfully intubated in the field. She now has a pulse between 60 and 65 beats/minute, her blood pressure is 80/20 mm Hg, and she has persistent apnea unless ventilated. The paramedics report that she did not require sedation either before or after intubation. Her pupils are miotic but symmetrical. (See chart)
Results on computed tomography (CT) of her head are normal, as are initial findings on a basic metabolic profile and bedside glucose determination. She was thought to be down about 3 minutes prior to the arrival of emergency medical services.
Her blood pressure has changed only minimally after a trial of normal saline bolus 500 mL.
The first treatment of choice for this patient is which of the following?
- Naloxone
- Dobutamine
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine
